The holidays are such a magical and beautiful time of the year. Decorating in such a way that brings you joy is truly what it’s all about. Whether decorating outdoors or indoors no matter your design aesthetic, adding just a few simple decor pieces to your existing decor can easily transform any space for the holidays. Incorporating nature inspired textural elements is a great way to add unique visual interest to any space for the holidays. Adding touches of soft ambient lighting for example candles, real or faux, lanterns, using plug-in string lights or battery operated, all of these help to create a warm and cozy feeling. Adding pops of color can help uplift the mood of a space. When adding color, it really depends on how bold you want to go. Do you want to accent your space subtly with just one color or are you all in to transform your space in a big way with lots of colors. A big part of decorating is trying out different things and getting a feel for what you have a connection to, what resonates with you. Sure, we can gather inspiration from seeing how other people decorate but in the end it’s all about creating your own personal style that’s right for you. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to decorate, it all comes down to what you like, if it makes you happy, then that’s all that matters. The most important thing is to have fun, so turn up the music, be inspired by what you like and most importantly have fun!