Hi, I’m Kim Batstone, Creator of Batstone Home.

Want to know about me and how Batstone Home came to be? I grew up in Allentown, Pennsylvania. In my twenties I worked as a hairstylist. I loved creating transformations for people, and I loved how it made them feel. During that time I met my wonderful husband and went on to have four incredible kids. After having my second child, I decided to work at home raising my children. Life was busy and yet extremely fulfilling. It was during that time that I realized just how important home was to our daily life. I began to experiment with decorating, and over time discovered what I liked and what I didn’t. I learned that I’m really drawn to spaces that evoke emotions of comfort, of feeling laid back yet simplistic and beautiful. I realized that I really enjoyed decorating and the feeling it created. Two years ago after 19 years of working at home raising my children, I decided since they were beginning new phases in their life, now was the right time for me to do the same. I decided to pursue interior design. I enrolled in The New York Institute of Art and Design School and after two years of hard work, I did it! What inspires me the most when I’m designing is my love of family and home. I love creating spaces that are functional and practical, yet simplistic, beautiful and most importantly, meaningful and I realized that I wanted to share that feeling with others. This is how Batstone Home came to be. I hope as I begin this new journey you’ll be apart of it and stop by and visit and I hope that you’ll find inspiration for your everyday living.