Step by Step Decorating Tips

Step by Step Decorating Tips

There’s a room you want to decorate. Not sure how to go about it? Here are some helpful step by step tips to help you along the way.

Take notes. Have paper, pencil and your phone on hand.

Study the room. Stand in the room and look around, what is the function (purpose) of the room? What is the mood (feeling)? What do you currently like and what don’t you like? Where is your eye most drawn to? Write down notes and take pictures.

Find inspiration. Look around for ideas to draw inspiration from (home, internet). Find things that resonate with you.

Decide on a color pallet. Based on your inspiration you collected, what colors are you drawn to? This is important because your color pallet will be the basis of what colors you choose for decor. For example, If you found color inspiration from a picture, choose colors from the picture to incorporate into your decor pieces. By doing so, will help the room feel balanced.

Decide on decor. This is where the real fun starts. When you looked at the room earlier, what did you feel needed to be changed? What will the function (purpose) of the room be? What type of mood (feel) do you want to convey?

Ask yourself the following questions:

Is there enough lighting in the room? Lighting is essential to the feel of a room. Do you want the room to feel dark and moody? If so, you don’t need a lot of lighting. However, if you want the room to feel bright and cheerful, you will need to add more lighting.

Do I need pillows + throws? Do you want the room to feel cozy? If so, then yes. Try not to add too many pillows as this can tend to make the sofa feel smaller and not as inviting. Mix and match patterns and sizes as this will add interest, as will adding a soft textured throw.

Do I need layering pieces? Layering adds depth and warmth (softens the look of the room), and adds interest. Use pieces that resonate with you, that are unique to you, that spark your interest and are memorable to you. Examples: vases, books, trays, candles

*Not only do candles add ambiance, but if scented can help create a certain mood.

Do I need wall art? When you studied the room earlier, where was your eye drawn to (focal point)? Add wall art to add visual interest to the room. Add it to the wall you determined to be your focal point. Look for art that you feel is interesting and you feel a connection to.

Should I add plants or flowers? Real or faux, bringing the look of nature indoors helps to create interest and softens the feel of the room.

The most important thing to remember is to have fun and trust your instincts. There’s a reason why you’re drawn to certain colors, and feel emotion towards certain things, so go with it. If you don’t feel a connection to a particular design style that’s already out there, create your own unique style that feels right for you. Most importantly, have fun. Happy Decorating!

Recap of 5 Categories to transform a room:

  • Lighting
  • Pillows + Throws
  • Layering Pieces
  • Wall Art
  • Plants + Flowers
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