Storytelling Through Decorating

Storytelling Through Decorating

When it comes to decorating, choosing decor that you feel a connection to is the best way to transform and create meaningful spaces that are specific to you. Decorating allows each of us the ability to showcase who we are as individuals. Have you ever walked into a space and without a word spoken instantly felt the story being told simply by how it was decorated? That’s the power of decorating, it’s a storytelling process.

 Decorating can feel overwhelming, there are so many different thoughts on how to decorate, numerous types of design aesthetics and a vast array of colors, textures and patterns to choose from. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the “rules of decorating”, and unfortunately that can bring on feelings of uneasiness and self doubt causing us to question if we’re doing it the “right way”. But what if there weren’t any rules? You just simply let your own unique creativity take over and followed your gut, your inclination as to what resonates with you. When you think about it, is it meaningful to have your spaces be a carbon copy of someone else’s? How are you allowing yourself the ability to showcase who you are as an individual? If we choose to decorate our spaces based on the look of someone else’s, then how are we creating a look that is original and specific to who we are? Remember, no two people are the same, and for good reason, we’re all unique in our own way. Therefore, it’s important that we allow ourselves the ability to express our own individual creativity and tell the story of who we are. 

The key to feeling confident about decorating is to look at it in a different way, we first need to change our perspective on how we approach it. It’s counterproductive to worry and second guess yourself for fear of making the wrong choices, as the saying goes, “you don’t know until you try”. Don’t let your fears overshadow your instincts and intuition, that will only inhibit your creativity. If you like something and it resonates with you that’s all you need, go with it. That’s the beauty of decorating, only when you truly embrace your own unique style, will your storytelling begin to take shape. Remember the true art of decorating is in the eye of the beholder, that’s what makes it unique and beautiful, just like you. Happy Decorating!

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