There’s something about ringing in the New Year that gives a sense of refresh, “Out with the old and in with the new,” as the saying goes. As we celebrate the beginning of a new year it’s important to take a moment to reflect on what this past year has meant to each of us. When you look back, what are the memories that stand out the most to you and how did those moments affect you? How did your experiences of the past year shape who you are and how you feel today? Were you able to accomplish the goals you set out to achieve or did they get pushed to the side for one reason or another. For many, the beginning of a new year can bring a mix of emotions from feelings of hope and excitement, to feelings of uneasiness and uncertainty. Regardless, the start of a new year is something we all share collectively and somehow there’s a bit of ease and comfort knowing that we’re not going into it alone. One could say there’s something to be said for not yet knowing what could be, disguise the limit so to speak. Yet, with that comes the journey that each of us face. Although it seems a bit daunting, it may be just what we need, a restart that helps give us a little push in the direction to try something new. It’s that first step of merely getting our thoughts down that puts us on the path towards achieving, for when we write it down, it becomes that silent reminder staring back at us that pushes us to start and only then does our journey truly begin. You could say achieving a goal has more to do with the journey, that uphill climb, than the actual achievement itself, for it’s getting there that teaches us a lot about ourselves. Are we able to persevere and come out stronger than before? What were the lessons we learned along the way? It’s those very questions and more that only we can answer, that’s the beauty of taking a risk and setting out on a new journey, it's ours for the making but only if we take the leap and try, for It all begins today, as we celebrate the beginning, a new year, are you ready?