New Beginnings

New Beginnings

January is the time when we find ourselves at a crossroad. The start of a new year and another behind us, we move forward into uncharted territory. We ask ourselves, what will the new year look like? Will this finally be the year I decide to try…? This is the best time for self reflection, as the new year is just beginning. There’s excitement in knowing that there’s an endless array of opportunities waiting for us if we’re just willing to be brave and go for it. It’s not about making the typical “New Year’s Resolutions” but rather making changes in our life that will truly better us for the long haul. It’s about getting out of our comfort zone and beginning our personal journey towards that long awaited dream. Two years ago, my journey began when I enrolled in the New York Institute of Art and Design school in Interior Design. I can vividly remember the day I enrolled, I felt all sorts of emotions, scared (“what am I getting myself into?”), excited (“I can’t believe I’m finally doing this!”) and nervous (“what if I’m not good?”). For the past 19 years, my main focus had been working at home raising my children. Being a mom has always been my number one priority, but as my kids started getting older, graduating high school (my youngest is graduating this year) and going off to college, something inside me felt that it was the right time to pursue that long awaited dream. My husband was completely on board and there by my side every step of the way and after 2 years, I finished. For me it was a huge accomplishment, to be able to finally conquer that dream felt amazing. Instead of watching quietly while others went after their dreams wishing at times I could, but knowing it just wasn’t the right time, now I could proudly be part of that journey. I knew even before I went to design school that ultimately I wanted to help people achieve beautiful and meaningful simplistic spaces within their home while also helping to give inspiration to everyday living. Which brings me to my earlier statement about getting out of our comfort zones. I’ve always been a very private person. Believe me when I say, never in a million years would I have ever thought that I would be writing a blog, but here I am because this is about new beginnings, right?
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