Spring Is on the Horizon

Spring Is on the Horizon

There’s excitement heading into February knowing that spring is officially only one month away. We’re finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel as daylight is gradually beginning to last a little longer. Although for many, the month of February still brings frigid temperatures and snow, there’s a sense of relief knowing that soon we’ll begin seeing small yet significant changes taking place. There’s a sense of newfound energy and excitement as we eagerly await our first glimpses of flowers budding, the return of green grass and robins letting us know that spring is here. It’s that sense of renewal, a refreshing change, a new start, that spring seems to bring with it. Knowing that spring is not so far off in the near distance makes getting through the month of February a little more bearable, even a little more desirable. With winter soon behind us and spring on the horizon, reflecting back on the past few months brings a sense of fondness for all the memories made and of all the new memories yet to be. 

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