Time to Let Go

Time to Let Go

High school graduation, I knew this day would come, I just didn’t realize how quickly it would get here. My youngest of four is graduating this month. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was telling her “your senior year is going to go by quickly”. She in return looked at me with rolling eyes thinking, “yeah right mom”. However, if you were to ask her now if the year went by fast, she wouldn’t hesitate to say “yes”. As I sit here writing this, there’s so much emotion I’m filled with. It’s been my greatest joy to see each of my children get to this turning point in life. One beautiful chapter closing and another one just beginning. For me personally, this time it feels a little bit different, a little more sentimental. When your children are younger, you know this day will eventually come but you also know time is on your side. You watch in awe as they go from taking their first steps, to their first day of school looking back at you to reassure them it will be ok (even though inside you’re an emotional wreck). Still through it all you know time is on your side. Fast forward and they’re becoming more independent, discovering who they are, they’re likes and dislikes and yet still leaning on you for comfort and guidance. Still, you tell yourself there is still time. It’s now their senior year and you remind yourself “it’s only just begun, you still have time”. I’ve come to realize how quickly time really does go by. It’s so important to cherish the time you have with them because before you know it they’re getting ready to graduate and you’re wondering where did the time go. I do know this, although my children are already starting or getting ready to start the next chapter in their lives, one thing is for sure, I’ll always cherish the time we had together watching them become the person they are today and I couldn’t be prouder!
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